Last week started off quietly as far as running goes. I was looking forward to a 5K race on the coming Saturday and then at least 18 miles Sunday. My how things changed.
With the race I was considering I was planning on taking Friday off so I ran on Monday instead. Only 5 miles during my lunch break in 37:21. Tuesday was really warm so again I opted only for 5 miles and not fast in 38:52. Same route on Wednesday in 39:14. Wednesday I felt a little tweak in the upper thigh area during the last half of the run. Just ran through it and didn’t give it a thought. Thursday I got out between rain storms and ran the same 5 miles in 40:06. This run had me a little concerned though. The tweak of the day before turned into a constant dull pain during the run. Still ran through it. Because of this I had to try running on Friday to see if the pain was still there. It was, but I still finished the run in a slow 42:11. I could not run fast without the pain becoming more intense. There went the race plans for Saturday. Instead I opted for off completely Saturday and Sunday.
Yesterday Monday 7/19 I was off of work. I decided to give the leg a try since it seemed to feel OK. I got out 2.5 miles when all of a sudden on my step the leg had an intense pain that almost made me fall to the ground. I walked the rest of the way home. Now my leg is really sore. I made an appointment to go and get this checked out on Wednesday. I’m hoping my worst fear of another stress fracture does not come to be. If that is what happened it will be 7 or 8 weeks off running. That would likely mean no fall marathon this year for me. Whatever this turns out to be, it is quite a disappointment from how training seemed to be going this whole year. I was getting in some good miles and no major issues at all until now. The funny thing is the last 4 or 5 weeks my miles have been significantly reduced from earlier in the year. Why now?
Through last week
WTD 25
MTD 105
YTD 1444
ODO 26610
The big news for this last week was that Kylli and I were selected to be able to hunt deer on the 350 acre Ottawa Reserve. We will be 2 of only 14 hunters with the privilege to do so this year. This property borders the land I already have permission to hunt on for bow only. It will be real nice to have another place down this way for the multiple gun seasons and another spot close by to not over hunt my other bow spots. The past several years there were antlerless only restrictions on this property to reduce the herd. This year the restriction is lifted for regular rules. There should be some big bucks running around if they managed to not venture out very far last year. This past weekend I mowed down the food plot. The seed heads just exploded as I mowed them down. The remaining stalks were chopped up pretty good to provide a little mulch too. Now with a good rain the stuff should really sprout and fill in the area. If for some reason this doesn’t work I still have time to till and plant something else. My brother Tad came over yesterday to help me tear down and rebuild the hunting blind in the back yard. We got the old one down, the new floor and the support corners up so far. Lots more to do, but good to have this started.
The garden harvest is starting to heat up right on schedule. I should be picking zucchini like crazy right now, but something is still sucking the life right out of any plant that starts growing. Only the zucchini have this trouble. I really suspect grubs or mole crickets. The raspberries are just about done now. Blueberries are just starting as is the second round of ever bearing strawberries. I’ve picked the first tomatoes, cucumbers, and peas and I noticed this morning the first beans and potatoes are available to pick too.
Had trouble with the pool pump again this week. The guys came out and replaced it again yesterday. This is the 3rd time in 4 years we have had trouble. Hopefully a brand new one fixes this once and for all.
I noticed when cleaning the pond over the weekend that I have some fish babies. The small fish are born a very dark color so they are hard to see. Not sure how many or even what type they are. I have both comets and Koi that are brightly colored with orange and/or white. I will have to wait a while for identification. This is the first time in the 7 years or so having the pond I’ve ever seen any little ones.
all in
8 years ago
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