Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To race or not to race

Been a while since my last post.  I've been struggling with making a decision to run a race May 8th.  I let the dealine slip by for the IceAge 50k.  No real reason just not into it 100%.  Running 50k is not something to take lightly and I have no one else I know doing it so I let it go.  Now I have until Thursday midnight to decide on Lake Geneva.  I know the back half of this marathon is as tough as they get.  Have to examine how I feel real closely over the next couple days.  Maybe I let them both go and keep my eye on Grandma's marathon in June.  

Training is not the issue.  Everything has beeen going real well.  To catch up from last week:  On Friday 4/30 I ran 14.5 miles in the morning before work.  I did this run in 1:57:13.  I was only going to do 10, but felt so good I opted for another loop.  Saturday morning I got out for 7.5 miles in 1:01:01.  Sunday I ran a loop I hadn't done in a while.  12 miles in 1:37:35.  Miles 7 through 11 are mostly up hill so it is quite challenging especially 7 through 8.5.  That gave me 62 miles for the week.  Not bad for two days rest in a taper week.
I took Monday completely off.  Work was busy anyway so it was a good day for a rest.  Today I got out for 5 miles.  I tried to run what I thought would be marathon pace and completed the run in 36:59 or about 7:24.
I'll likely do 6 or 7 tomorrow and then rest Thursday and Friday if I decide to do the race this weekend.

Through today:
MTD 24.5
YTD 943
ODO 26109

Notice all the deer on the side of the road all of a sudden?  I've noticed over the years that besides during the rut in the fall this is when you see the most roadkill.  I know it's related to fawning season, but can't tell you why.

Caught up a bit out in the garden.  I've tilled it again and have pulled all the weeds.  Not a small feat at all in my garden.  I will likely plant potato, onions, and peas over the next few days.   Lawn mowing is now again a weekly chore.   Need to get started edging all the flower beds, pulling weeds and mulching.  Maybe thats what I should do Saturday instead of race. 


  1. Let me know when you're going up north again. I can go anytime, but we should get the boat in the water.


  2. running and hunting:


    might interest you.
