Good bye 2009
2009 is a year I would just as soon forget. Not all bad, just filled with things that rocked me and the family hard. In the spring I was faced with my first running related injury. I came up with a stress fracture in late March that kept me from running for about 8 weeks. This caused me to drop out of a few planned races and impacted my running for the rest of the summer. In June my father-in-law Ray passed away after months of struggling with advanced Alzheimers. Right after this my dad Marv started to have health issues and after a brief losing battle with Creutzfeld-Jakobs disease passed away in early September. If all of that wasn't enough my Grandma Aili passed away at age 96 in December. I'm really hoping 2010 is a lot better.
I was able to get enough runs in the last weeks of December to be able to reach my revised goal of 1900 miles for the year. Not a bad number considering I was not able to run at all in April and most of May, and had reduced numbers in March, June and July. On October 27th I was able to reach the milestone of enough miles to circle the earth.
Some stats for 2009
25,166 miles on the Odometer as of 12/31
1900 running miles
256 running events
259 hours and 10 minutes of running
7.42 miles length of average run
1 hr 1 min time of average run
68 miles highest week
261 miles highest month
36.5 miles average week
159 miles average month
194 miles on the treadmill in 27 runs (7.18 average)
Miles by Month
Jan 221
Feb 230
Mar 206
Apr 0
May 88
Jun 115
Jul 172
Aug 261
Sep 180
Oct 135
Nov 115
Dec 179
I know a lot of people didn't have a very good hunting year. For me it was not bad. I spend 365 days a year thinking about, planning for, and actually going hunting. The food plot layout and crops turned out well. I was able to get 4 deer. Two with a bow and two with gun. The eight pointer I got during gun season was the biggest eight point I ever got and may actually even outscore the two big ten pointers I got over the last few years. I also had chances at another big deer while bow hunting so it was an exciting season. There are still two days left in the season so there is still a chance for more if I get out there.
It was also a good year for the garden. The vegetable garden turned out lots of produce this year. The apple and pears trees finally were big enough and turned out bushels of fruit. The pumpkin crop was the best in the six or so years I've been trying to grow them. Winter is the time to plan for next spring and go through all the catalogs to order for next year.
all in
8 years ago